Friday, December 25, 2015

APAD 72 - 2015 圣诞节

我的2015 XMAS EVE 

1)    看店咯还有什么LOL。找吃艰难。

2) 出席Stephanie LeeVacen Luah在PARADOX的结婚一周年HAE PARTY。时间真的过得太快了。还记得一年前,婚宴过后咱们一伙儿也是在这里为了帮Dennis Law Chu Sing向Michelle Lee求婚还特地设计了一个“礼物交换”环节。时间真的过得太快了吧。

3)ROUND 2 来到PUCHONG 回音石继续“庆祝”。好久没有一块儿歌手一起聚一聚了。感觉良好。


5)今天两个BRIAN - Nic Lim 和 Brian TohChu 穿情侣装哦。。。G 到爆。


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

APAD 71 - 冬至快乐!



PS: Wong Sai Meng大导演的指导下,这张照片真的好想真的有好看一点LOL。

APAD 70 - 家


最近工作真的太忙了,早上的工作刚换新环境,很多东西都在适应着。而且新公司的规模大、什么都管的比较严,加上我们的工作量也增加到一个LEVEL,所以工作时间随着加长。晚上顾店(一个星期两三晚)的责任也照样继续,没有在公司OT的话都得在顾店,连唱歌时间都被逼下个月暂时停止。所以,最近也真的很少时间回家陪家人吃饭。反而见朋友多过见家人,皆因我晚放工时都还会到民歌餐厅WIND DOWN,HAE。但就是少回家。

今晚也不例外。家人都约了在家吃晚饭,还是老豆亲自下厨,唯独我放工后得直接去顾店所以就缺席了。刚刚在外头HAE完回家,本来想直接上床就睡了。因为,真的太累了。但看到锅里还剩一大锅老豆的自制秘方 - 咸菜鸭汤 - 顿时罪恶感作祟。在外头吃了别人家的汤圆,自家饭菜却没碰着,说不过去。结果,还是拔了一大碗来喝。顿时,所有疲惫都解了。除了好吃,重点是感受到久违家的味道。




Monday, December 21, 2015

APAD 69 - first trip to Labuan

Firstly, congratulations to Nic and Joanne on their wedding! And because of this we get a chance to fly to Labuan!

Was my first trip to this tiny island. No, it's NOT part of Sabah. Officially? It is a federal territory, just like Putrajaya and KL. It is a quiet island town known for (and I quote trip advisor and other travel blogs) cheap seafood and cheap vices. 

Food here was really average - even the KFC here tastes different. But we had a blast nonetheless. 

Oh ya there was this "toll" we were all forced to pay when we entered this business area (there was a KFC there and the aupposedly best chicken rice in town) - had this stupid sign at the exit  saying "Bayaran RM1 serial kali keluar - tidak Kira Ada parking Atau tidak. Terima kasih". Wtf.

Anyway, don think will be visiting this place anytime soon though lol. Maybe we are just too accustomed to city life - and where one can't find supper places (not easily anyway) by 10-11pm that is a bad sign!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

APAD 68 - 小唱将



还好小唱将没有放我鸽子LOL。今晚唱了好多很久没有唱也弹了很多很久没有弹的歌。今天的顾客们也都是向往的好顾客,都很用心点歌也很用心的听歌。首首歌后都有给予我们鼓励的掌声,真的欣慰。当然,小唱将也真的越来愈强了,开始有给我一种DIVA的感觉了-也就是会让我觉得我帮他弹好像有点委屈了她 - 就像我帮超级唱将伴奏时一样的感觉LOL。但也没理了,唯有尽力咯。我本身满ENJOY的,因为小唱将唱歌很有层次感,有起伏有节奏,我也弹的爽。就希望她不介意吧。看着她一路进步到现在,真的只能说,赞。加油吧屁屁。

PS: 也谢谢新栋哥哥买鸡给我们吃!也谢谢JOE到场HAE听我们唱歌。


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

APAD 67 - Tyros 5 v FA 06

Yamaha Tyros 5 v Roland FA 06. 

The super articulation voices of the Tyros wins hands down compared to the FA 06's supernatural sounds, with the exception of probably the acoustic bass which I found to be very realistic on the FA 06. Oh and probably the synth sounds are better on Roland too (didn't really test those out)

Been a really long while since I get to sit down and well, practice. It was fun learning how to utilise the FA06. And also to finally have some quality time with the Tyros. Don't think will ever use it in a gig (my brother does but not me since I'm not into midi) so the best time to toy around with it is at my brothers home studio where I can syiok sendiri playing with the toys.

Hope to get more time to play with them again when I finally retire from playing cafes and gigs. Fingers crossed lol.

Anyway will share some links later with the sound comparisons and you guys can check it out later too.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

APAD 66 - getting married?

Congratulations to Hau Cher! from Hou Cher!

Lol and I tot my name was real. Yet here I have my cousin's gunny sharing a very very similar name lol. Anyway don worry folks if I ever do met married you guys would be invited! Promise!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

APAD 65 - Android :(



Saturday, December 5, 2015

APAD 64 - 枪手同台!

很久没有跟 Kok 李誠洧唱了,今天有机会和他唱,我就猜到他一定会刻意为了配合我而穿球衣来驻唱,我就特地选穿了枪手阿什纳的球衣。结果真的被我料中!哈哈哈 台上两位穿同样球队唱歌那画面。。。VERY G吧!哈哈哈哈

今晚顾客也很沉闷。看到我们两个麻辣老竟然点《泡沫》。很明显是来为难不是来听歌的人。没有Mood。结果我们选唱广东歌,唱下唱下结果唱了整整两个 set的广东歌直到第三set有顾客投诉要求我们唱华语歌我们才停LOL。

幸苦了新婚的KOK,上星期刚结婚今天就出回来唱歌了。Brian TohChu叫我唱《小情歌》给KOK听,祝他新婚快乐。我就唱了。他,没反应啊LOL。



First day at the new office - 1/12/2015.

Hoping for better times ahead. It has been a tough year business wise and the merger was a good opportunity for us to consolidate resources and start afresh.

One thing u don't miss from being in a big firm is filling time sheet! Argh...

Next time whoever is around KL SENTRAL area do find me for lunch ya! 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

APAD 62 - 再見了,青蘋果。。。

1)结果还是去了GREEN APPLE一趟,正式跟这舞台说BYE-BYE。

APAD 61 - 新朋友出場! FA 06

2)今晚大姐Aruru Ruru很大牺牲,结婚一周年的今晚竟然出来和我们一起唱秀,丢下黄邦瑋独守闺房,大方!LOL
3)我的“新朋友”第一次FUNCTION亮相,SOUND CHECK的时候的声音太好听了!又有多一天头绪了如何用它调出好声音。
5)很久没有和UNPLUG王子Kevin Lai一起JAM了。