I have since opened up a new Jersey shop - yes expanded from our previous online retail model. We now have a physical store set up for MYKITZONE! Real glad for this, and a ig thanks to fellow partners Aaron and Keith for helping me realize my dreams. It was a bit rushed for me, and at a bad timing - coming in July where I had just committed to buy 2 properties and had packed my calenders with performance gigs for the year. I now work (almost) 7 days a week, 18 hours or more a day - I literally sleep around 1-2am if I have performances. No more Sunday futsals for me too - not only cos of the shop la, partly cos of the weekend wedding gigs coming up for the rest of the year too.

Something has to give eventually - so I may have to stop singing again come October 2011 (I just made my "comeback" 2 months ago after a "semi retirement" in December 2010.) to focus on work as well as business.
Or, I may even quit my day job soon. Its about time, I no longer feel happy working with the current set up. In fact I am beginning to hate certain things here in office. Which is something I do not want to prolong. Well, that will be the subject of another entry I guess, my work grouses! :P
With the busy life, I need something to keep myself sane. And that would be through writing I guess. And just letting things out haha.
Shit, I dont even have time for photography nowadays :(
Oh well, life goes on. Here's to life!