Monday, September 28, 2009

APAD 87 - Wai Chee & Cat wedding Part 1 - 22.9.09

After long last, Wai Chee and Cat finally tied the knot!
Not gonna blog much now as I have yet to receive any pics yet from Han Liang or other "cameraman". But do wanna share some photos i took ...

......and this video prepared by Cat to wai chee!(22.9.09 is Wai Chee's bd too btw) hahaahahah cant stop laughing especially at Kevin's clip!!!!!!!!

Will blog bout this after the Seremban reception on 3.10.09 and when I get the pics and videos ready :)

APAD 86 - Shin Chan no Oto-sama, RIP...

RIP - 臼井義人 Yoshito Usui - 謝謝多年來蠟筆小新的陪伴!


APAD 85 - Mr and Mrs Fish

Congratulations Fish aka Kar Shian! Will you treat Mrs. Fish in the best possible way you can afford and liver happily ever after?

You better keep to your promise! haha

Best wishes from all of us from 5 Ramin 96!

APAD 84 - sayonara, aunty-sama




APAD 83 - Selamat Aidilfitri!

To all muslim friends, Selamat Aidilfitri, and to all the rest, Happy holidays! At las, I am gonna get to enjoy a long deserved (i think) break :)

Just gonna laze around doing nothing for four days - wohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

APAD 82 - Brother Bear has started blogging!

Brother Bear has caught the blogging bug hehe.

Let's see how long will it take before he stops :P haha joking la, hope to see more posts from him!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

APAD 81 - Bye Bye Carlsberg, Hello Stan-Chart!

Just got news that Liverpool parted ways with their shirt sponsor of 17 years Carlsberg and signed a new 80M GBP deal with Standard Chartered which will commence in the 2010/11 season till the 2013/14 season.

Some supporters upon hearing of the news said good riddance to Carlsberg as they claim that the club has been jinxed and by the company as they had not won the premier league since Carlsberg sponsored the team. But I dont think any blame can be laid on the sponsor - though it is a fact that the money offered by Carlsberg does not come close to the figures offered by Standchart. Thus it is reasonable to expect that Liverpool FC would be in a better position to bid for better players in the near future.

For me personally, I kinda gre fond of the old Carlsberg logo on my liverpool kits (no offence to my Muslim mates, just a personal feeling). Would be sad to see the sponsor changed after such a long service. On the bright side, fellow muslim JCs will now be happy that they can proudly wear kit of their beloved club without fear of embarassment etc.

Well, lets all hope that Liverpool will move up a notch from this good news and - finally - bring back the much awaited holy grail - the league title which they have not won since 1990.

For me personally, cant wait to start collecting the Stand Chart kits!

In the meantime, time to complete my Carlsberg kit too cos i have a feeling they are gonnabe pretty pricey soon :P

APAD 80 - My NIKON D90 went dead??!!

Yup - for no apparent reason!

After attempting to sync photos taken from Eric + MayMay's performance yesterday, the iveView screen went dead. It was still possible to take pics but the live view screen just show a dead black screen everytime i press the "playback" or "menu" buttons. Shit, no choice but to send it back for warranty servicing. Fingers crossed everything will turn out ok.

APAD 79 - 肇均 +MAYMAY @ Heaven

我的偶像,肇均和maymay的表演片斷和相片。不用多說,好好欣賞這首bossa 版的《分手快樂》吧:)


APAD 78 - Byr byr, 長髮。。。

At last, after 9 months (yup since before CNY!), i got rid of my long hair haha.

Yup, no prizes for guessing who cut them:P

well, guess i have to start all over again before my hair grows back to my favourite 30cm lentgh:P

APAD 77 - 新搭檔

好久沒有和新的歌手搭檔了。剛“出道”時還不認識人的時候,每次有機會和新的搭檔駐唱,都會很緊張。會想 - 歌手要唱的歌我會不會彈?會不會有脾氣?能不能勝任?但所幸的是,一路都很順利。我本身其實沒有象一些歌手指定要“固定”搭檔。我倒喜歡常常換partner,這樣才會一直給自己新的motivation新的,避免快變“悶”,也不斷的能和不同搭檔有不同火花,這樣唱歌才不會悶:)



APAD 76 - 四大天王?哈哈

看到朋友在FACEBOOK 分享這個clip這個,乍看以為四大天王終於有合唱一首歌,還真的期待!哪裡知道。。哈哈看了就知道甚麼是啦:P

For those familiar with the 4 Heavenly King, they have finally release a single together! - or not. The singers below are actually winners of imitation competitions - real good eh? haha

APAD 75 - 绥兴 @ Wings






PS: 最近發現駐唱歌手(除了我哈哈)都有點“白癡”怔。不信?看吧。。。。

APAD 74 - 歌的感動




APAD 73 - 漢良 + wing


漢良是個超級積極的男人。作他女人應該很幸福吧有這麼會賺錢的partner哈哈。其實我認識漢良的女友 - 淑婷在先。當時我們都是wow wow的歌手,合作數十次吧,是位很認真努力的歌手。可惜沒有耳福聽她唱歌了,因為她已經退出江湖。

但漢良這老將還再唱,哈哈熄不了那團愛唱歌的火。這仁兄也是個beyond迷,而且和我只差一歲,所以很自然的大家接觸的歌曲都是同屬“同一個年代”的歌曲。記得有一次和他唱,翻翻他歌簿竟然看到一首沒有想到除了我歌簿還會出現在其他人的歌簿裡的一首歌 - 叫“是雨還是淚” - 沒聽過吧?哈哈。當年郭富城一首歌。當然當場就給它唱了哈哈。總之,咱們兩一起唱的話一定會來個老歌之夜的 :)

a Wing呢就是一位我常在heaven聽她唱歌的朋友。當時還沒認識她但常常都會去聽她唱歌。有一次在wings和她partner,我先到餐廳set-up餐廳,過後看見她提著鍵盤走進餐廳,看到我set-up了鍵盤時就把他的鍵盤放回車裡,說甚麼不好意思彈了。拜託啊大姐,您老人家的鍵盤已經很好了啊!哈哈以下的clips能作證:)


APAD 72 - 大家姐細微復出之日 feat. Kenny



之間大姐也生了個寶寶,所以雖然還有教課/錄音之類的,最是沒有返回當初最处的出發點- 民歌餐廳- 直到這天:)


也很高興能見到ah yeong和a 玲,兩位之前stream的老伙伴。風采依舊,不知道唱歌還行嗎?哈哈。。。

話說回來,今天看著兩位前輩的演出,讓我非常感動。沒有太多華麗的動作,沒有多餘的說話,就是單純的唱歌,表演。爽!真的有點回到我 8~9年前民歌餐廳的感覺。


對了,最後還有個神祕客串嘉賓!!!他是。。。。盧廣仲嗎????當然不是。是david弟弟哈哈。。。也是個不錯的歌手/鼓手。(擺脫別再唱heave knows's 了哈哈)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

APAD 71 - Holy Grail!??

Spotted one of the kits I've always dreamt of having in Lowyat today!!!! Couldnt believe it!!!!! And its my size and the right price too!!! This must be fate!!!

I had immediately dropped a note on the sales thread. After not receiving any response I became super kiasu and PM-ed the seller who eventually responded an hour later.

To my dismay he told me it was already SOLD! I was like, no it couldnt be!!!!!! I saw it barely an hour ago, dude.. u sure? He told me ya, sold sold sold...sorry sorry sorry....

Almost cried that time. this is one of the kits i have been looking for since i started watching football. But heck i also subscribe to the theory "if its urs, it will be urs" philosophy, so i didnt make a fuss la. Just felt real dissaponted thats all.

But luck and fate was on my side when I received a PM from the seller telling me that the shirt i wanted was in fact "sold" to - ME! haha seller said he saw a post on his sales thread and had reserved the kit hence thats why he told me earlier he had sold it. In fact, the post he saw was my earlier post and in fact theshirt was reserved FOR ME! haha what a funny twist. So now that means I will be able to lay my hands on one of my holy grail kits soon! real soon!

What kit u ask me?

hehe i'll keep u guys guessing for the moment. Photos will be revealed as soon as i receive the kit.

Cant wait!!!!!!

APAD 70 - Zzzzzzzzz

Guess how long I slept today? 15 hours. I think its a personal best! And for no apparent reasons too. Anyone can tell me if this is normal? haha. Zhou Gong must be damn bored the whole day seeing me there for so long haha:P

APAD 69 - My September 2009 Timetable

Drop by when free yah :)

APAD 68 - 阴历7月15鬼节


APAD 67 - Updated view of my "kit room"

1/3 of my kits are now covered with the plastic sheets i got from pongkes earlier, so thought just share some pics on how they look like now :)

Thes eplastic sheets require special attention as well. Have to check them everyday to ensure that there is sufficient gap between the plastic sheets and the shirts, so as to prevent the NNs melting into the plastics (it has happened before).

And to kill any doubts, Yes i do sleep in this room with my jerseys :)

APAD 66 - Mad rush mad rush

Just back from the merdeka holidays and there are so many things to rush! This patent infringement case is getting me very stressed out. Its a good challenging case, but one which I have no prior experience, and hence the learning curve is a bit steep. And the fact that I have so little time and so many other works piling up doesn't help.

sigh, wish me luck then. Looks like its gonna be a looooong day in the library for me...........