Monday, February 1, 2016

APAD 79 - PJ最好吃的炒粿条?


Sunday, January 24, 2016

APAD 78 - "复出”

2016 年 1月22日。 C180 SIX INCH CAFE。 晴。

已经很久没有去这么远的地方驻唱了。为的都是一个机会和一位十多年前在这里(对,佳礼论坛!) 认识的网友Kenny Loo老兄合作。当年FB还不丰盛时,要找一斑志同道合的朋友吹水分享是很难得。难得能够在佳礼认识也是一种缘分。但这缘分就停止在这里-直到今晚!因为大家都在不同地方活动也和不同AGENT唱歌,这十多年来还真的没有机会合作过。KENNY又因为结婚啊退出江湖了好久。直到最近好像又手痒口痒回来顶班之类的。难得碰到这一天他找代班拍档我又有空闲,就暂时“复出”来唱一天咯!

说实在的,这里的音响真的没有太好。我们两个的状态也好像因为这样被影响。但唱着唱着,其实也还蛮开心的。以来,我们两个是同年代的人(严格来说根本就是同岁哈哈)所以歌路都很接近。今晚我们唱了好多好久都没有唱的歌呢- 江南、靠岸、记事本、翅膀等等好歌。而且我也好久没有跟乐手合作了,就大家可以轮流有休息的机会。就这样,时间也过得很快。我们其实也都很想唱(虽然音响真的很烂),结果我们整晚只休息了39分钟,利用两个Set唱完整晚。



也谢谢Abby Wong姐的促和!下次继续!


👍🏾日记采自佳礼的《民歌餐厅驻唱日记》 : 大家有空可以去看看会看到很多熟悉名字的LOL

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

APAD 77 - Kitty the Attorney

Introducing my favorite Hello Kitty - the lawyer kitty! Cute gift from Chwin all the way from HK. It will be sitting with me in my new office from now on. Let's win more cases baby!

APAD 76 - Chess anyone?

Did I mention I have a new addiction? Lol

This is one cool set I must say - the Pirates chess set. But pricey at RM250 but I guess it's probably worth it since it comes 10 Lego Mini figures leh.

Am gonna stay focused on either Pirates or the Star war series for my Legos - if I get distracted and lose it it will be painful for my wallet lol

May the force be with me wei

APAD 75 - Robert in the house!

My guardian angel in. Redang - Robert paid a visit to Mkz last week. Pleasant surprise it was. Happy that he bought a jersey from me even though he is not a football fan. Anyway always good to be able to see friends visit me and my shop. Hope to see others coming too! So that I won't be so bored la haha


因为最近的STARWARS 电影上映,又让我再次迷上他的玩具。而买不知怎么的,突然就被LEGO的SW系列眯着了。 20年没真正玩过LEGO了,应该还记得怎样玩吧?哈哈。总之,又注定穷了。。。

APAD 74 - SHE?

我真的为了那一段在网络有盛传的UNPLUG 《热带雨林》而买下这的。应该不会有机会开来看吧哈哈。很难想象我可以静静看完2个小时的SHE。。。应该会发疯吧。。。

Monday, January 4, 2016

APAD 73 - Happy 2016!

Had a great catch up with QFs and some musician friends over the NY period. Was at Wings Puchong for the countdown - supporting Birdbird and his cafe. Few days later was at Ril's Bangsar to catch Be Pan and his band for a gig. Overall a fun few days - not too stressed and not too bored either. Here is wishing everyone a happy new year!