Tuesday, November 30, 2010

APAD 6 - Precious Patches

Still have alot of unapplied patches. Time to focus and get the shirts for these patches.

Any one want anything there can pm me, i may (MAY) just consider selling if i have spare :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

APAD 5 - Green V White

This is the highlight of Green Apple's anniversary - the Green v White competition!

Gonna find out more on the results etc and will post them here ok L(


APAD 4 - One of my favourite shots

Have not been taking pics for long. But had this chance to shoot Green Apple's charity night 1 and took the chance to take some (i think they are) pretty nice shots of fellow singers and / or models there.

Will share link to the full album later. Cheers!

PS: the pic is of Cookie, an old dear fren and great vocalist :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

APAD 3 - 一分钱一分货

俗语说的对 - 便野(其实也不便!SGD38!)无好野!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

APAD 2 - Wang Jin???

This is defeinitely not the first time I received a similar "praise" haha. Anyway never mind la, at least Wang Jin is always surrounded by pretty girls (HOT GIRLS!!) so I dont mind being like him haha!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

APAD 1 - all over again!

Yay! I am reviving my APAD series! For those not in the know, it stands for A Picture A Day - that was what I wanted to do initially with my blog, as I am not someone who can write alot or write well, I prefer to let photos or videos do the talking for me. The previous attempt lasting over 100 odd posts ended abruptly when I was just too bogged down with work.

Now, wih my ipad . iphone . macbook with me almost 24hours a day, i think i can manage to at least post one pic a day continously.

Fingers crossed.

So, to celebrate the APAD revival, the first pic here is one of the place I stayed while I was in Melaka last weekend for Ah Hao's wedding (Which shall be a topic for a separate entry!) - its a homesta style lodging called Cyclamen Cottage. You can find more details about the place on their website.

Cheers and have a nice day ahead!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Jersey @ Singing

I always wear jerseys when i perform. Ok, I wear jerseys everywhere apart from at work anyway haha.

For the first time in god knows how many years, my partner, Preston also wore a jersey today when we performed at Xuan. haha i felt happy, don ask me why (no im not gay), just that it must have been fun to be able to see two jerseys on stage.

So dear partners, next time must flow Preston and wear jerseys when performing with me too k! so i can play better hahaha!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

song of the day.


仍是雨夜 凝望窗外 沉默的天際 問蒼天 可會知 心裡的感覺 隨著歲月 無盡愛念 藏在於心裡 像冰封 的眼光 失去了方向  讓雨點輕輕的灑過 強把憂鬱再掩蓋 像碎星閃閃於天空 叫喚妳  遙望盼望 能像清風 陪伴她飄去 讓孤單 的臂彎 一再抱緊妳 回望往日 如霧似夢 無奈的輕嘆 是她的 歡笑聲 風似輕吹過  每天多麼多麼的需要 永遠與妳抱擁著 忘掉世間一切痛苦悲哀 縱使分開分開多麼遠 也會聽到妳呼喚 期待我這一生再會妳
