Sunday, February 20, 2011


It's been more than a month since my last post. The truth is, alot of things happened in the last month, which made me sit back and take a good long look at my own life. Unhappy things happened to some people very close to me, and I feel bad that I couldn't do much for them. Anyway, it's not for me to help in the first place. This is, after all, life. Different people are meant to experience life in their own unique and distinct way, so who am I to meddle with that. It did however get me thinking, what about my own life? Am I living life as I was meant to?

Anyway this is a question that can never be answered. I have however take. Some major decisions in the last few months which I hope will lead me nearer to that elusive answer whether I am living my life. Firstly I have stopped singing in caves, something which has been so integral to my life in the past 7-8 years. This is some sort of a soil searching for me, hoping to find if I have something outside of singing which I may have missed in the past. Also i have made my mind up on my day job, which will revealed in due course. Hopefully that will also work out the way I envisage it to. Also, for the first time in my life, I am starting to make plans for what I want in life in terms of career, friends, family, etc. I have lots of hobbies and passion, but am I pursuing them the right way? Am I treating my friends and family the right way? Maybe this is my mid life crisis, haha.

Anyway the fact that I am starting to blog again means that I am ready to move on and face the world again in a way:)

Here is to life!


  1. Bro;

    What mid life crisis? If now mid life crisis, that means you got half more of your life to go la, choy!

    Anyway, good to see that you are contemplating, which means in a way that you have matured, and start thinking of how your life is going along. Take it one day at a time, sometimes some things can't be rushed. Take care mate.


  2. 人说三十而立,四十不惑,但我最近5年来看见的,都是三十不惑。人之进化,包括了早点有意识,早点幻觉散尽,早点再也无法单纯地快乐着。干他娘。
